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  • Collection: 2005 - Summer Newsletter

Caption: BRITTA MUELLER-HAHN 1-248-790-4339Image Description: This is a portrait image of, real estate consultant, Britta Mueller-Hahn.


Mediterranean Market & Bakery Owned and operated by Zahi Fakhouri Since 1976از شیر مرغ تا جان آدمیزاد در بزرگترین سوپر میشیگانSpecialty, European, Organic, Bulk, and Gourmet Food - Dried Fruits Cheeses - Basmati Rice - Ahmed Tea - Olive Bar - Olive…

This is an image of two dice being rolled.


شبی با موسيقی ايرانی - اولین جمعه هر ماهPersian Music – 1st Friday of Each Month 7:30 PM – 10:00 PM at Persian School No program for the months of April - August

خانه ایران با افتخار تقدیم میکند Persia House of Michigan with Pleasure Presentsشبی برای شیواA Night for Shiva A Fund Raising Dinner & Persian Music for Cancer Research Saturday, May 7, 2005, 7:00 PM At Persian Schoolبرای کمک به تحقیقات سرطانی شنبه ۷…

This is an image of a plaque on the Fatemeh Grade school building in Shotor Village in Bam, Iran. It is a commemorative plaque that recognizes the following sponsors: MercyCor, Alavi Foundation, and “Iranians Living in Michigan.” It also includes a…


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